Vinyl’s Attack: The Short Animated Film


An attack of vinyl records straight from outer space!

Based in Hong Kong, specialized in creation and animation of 3D images, the Agency Nikopictio highlights the talents of its teams through a self-promotional short film. Nikopicto brought together its expertise to create a short Z-movie involving vinyl records and taking at the same time a nice occasion to promote his work.
vinyl's attack, le court métrage
This animated film tells the story of a robot scout who came to declare the war to Earth. He came, he saw and now he’s calling the rest of his army: The Records!
It may seem aggressive but it is for a “good cause”: The Music!
screenshot of the short animated film: vinyl's attack
With its vintage side, the Studio is inspired by and pays tribute to the cinema of the past sprinkled with references such as: King Kong, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, The Iron Giant, etc.

1min25 of pure happiness! Short but fun!