Home Thursday's Discoveries Je suis CharlieThursday's DiscoveriesJe suis Charlie Thursday, January 8, 20152663 In memory of the victims of the January 7th, 2015 #JeSuisCharlie All my thoughts to their families & friendsDave Brown, The IndependentAlso on Cb... Vinyl Record ArtVinyl Records and their turntables Art Cb... - Thursday, January 9, 20140 Record Store Day – How it began ! Thursday's Discoveries Thursday, April 16, 2015The Sound Of The Earth Art Thursday, June 20, 2013The game as Transmedia Storytelling in the music industry Transmedia Storytelling Wednesday, July 27, 2016Lazy Sunday Mix – Le Bienheureux, a mix by Guts Lazy Sunday Mix Friday, November 6, 2015Follow Us Anywhere975FansLike1,792FollowersFollow12FollowersFollow487FollowersFollow7SubscribersSubscribe