Vinyl Record Art – Bender


The evolution of Bender through the Vinyl Record Art

One of the characteristics of my work is that I like to work with the image, the iconography. It is something constant in all my pieces of art. Again, I would point out, as many among you ask me the question, all the sculptures on vinyl records that I present are entirely handmade, no laser cutting!

Bender, Futurama – Version I

One of the main characters of the TV show “Futurama” produced by Matt Groening is no exception to the rule. Bender, not to mention his name, is a part of one of my first projects, # 004, to be precise. Carved in 2013, we can see that the technique used at the time was still “shaky”. Cutting lines not very clean, doubtful style, lack of character…

bender, carved out of a vinyl record

Bender – Version II

In October 2015, I was asked, on request, to carve a second Bender for a birthday present. I am not really a fan of doing twice the same piece of art; I like them to be unique. Not being satisfied with the first version of Bender, I seized this opportunity as a second chance to do it again and to propose something more complete. My technique and assurance in the process of execution and application have evolved since I started; I was able to issue a Bender with finer features, sharper, with more accurate lines and in a slightly different style. I let you check the two versions; the finishes are much better in the second one.

bender carved out from a vinyl record

In response to another question that people often ask me, all coloured vinyl that I use are not painted. These are vinyl with the original colours. If you also want to have a unique piece of art, you can request your personalized sculpture on vinyl record!

For an overview of my work, do not forget to visit my site: