A musical piece of art and a cut vinyl


A musical ping pong table and a vinyl like a sausage: These are the work of the Swedish artist David Rinman

Ikea is not the only Swedish designer! As a proof, Davis Rinman, a young Swedish artist, around 20 years old and freshly graduated from the Design and Advertising School of Forsbergs (Stockholm) brings a new touch to the landscape of the contemporary art.
david rinman and his ping pong table project
So I wanted to introduce you to his work and more particularly to two of his pieces of art. The first one is interactive: “Match Beat”, while the second one is more contemplative: “Cutting Records”. In both cases, the artist offers us a conceptual work around the musical world and it’s proven to be a unique experience.

Match Beat

The first piece flirts with the sport, moving resolutely towards interactivity. David Rinman has designed a musical and luminous ping pong table. Created as part of his graduation certificate, the Match Beat project addresses the notions of exchange, rhythm and music.

As the exchange goes, the ball generates sounds and lights. Faster is the game, faster the music rhythm varies and more abstract are the patterns. A perfect item to bring a colorful touch to your home or create the sensation when camping.
– Let the game be –

Cutting Records

The second piece tends towards the art and its aesthetic is halfway between typically French and modern. This time, the artist seems to share a special relationship with the old wax. He simply tied up the records into a delicacy. Finely chopped with a knife, vinyl slices are presented to the audience.
– As an aperitif –
REALLY contemplative!

To discover all the creations of David Rinman, I invite you to visit his website, a real window his talent: cargocollective.com/davidrinman