Soundmachines – The Optical Turntable
The Optical Turntable, an instrument for performing electronic music The Optical Turntable is composed with three units, all separated from each other. The optical reader...
The Office Turntable
Back to Vinyl with The Office Turnatble. The record label Kontor Records, based in Hamburg, Germany, to promote the last track of Boris Dlugosch, house...
Smirnoff Mindtunes
When the Smirnoff Mindtunes Project puts the music at the service of the mind! The science fiction from yesterday is the today's reality with the...
The Beck’s Edison Bottle
The first playable beer bottle like a vinyl record.
When the technology of the 19th century meets the 21st century technology around a bottle of...
The Sound Of The Earth
A journey around the world on a vinyl record! The project "Sound Of The Earth" is a piece of work orchestrated by the Japanese artiste...
3D Printed Records
Exploring the limits of 3D printing technology by printing a vinyl record. Amanda Ghassaei is a developer at Instructables in San Francisco. In 2012, she...